The Best Gimbal For Nikon D7500 Cameras!
Today we are going to be taking a look at what we feel is the best gimbal for Nikon d7500 cameras currently available on the market right now. Although the d7500 is a very popular camera body, we have noticed a steady stream of people who use the camera reaching out for assistance when it comes to a gimbal stabilizer for it.
We think that this is due to the fact that the camera body alone comes in at around the 1.6-pound mark. Although this is pretty light when it comes to the weight of some DSLR camera bodies on the market, people seem to have mixed feeling between picking up a gimbal designed for a DSLR or picking up a cheaper gimbal designed for a lighter mirrorless camera.
Thankfully, we have chosen three gimbals that we feel are suitable for use with your d7500 in a number of situations. Two of our featured gimbals are designed for use with DSLR cameras while the one that serves as our more budget-friendly option is primarily designed for use with mirrorless cameras but should perform fine for your Nikon d7500 depending on what accessories you mount to your camera body.
We will be sticking to our regular article format of having the comparison and a short breakdown of each gimbal directly below for those short on time and just want a quick and easy answer. As usual, we will be following the comparison table section up with a more in-depth look at the three featured gimbals as we go over why we feel the way we do about them and why we feel they will make a good choice for use with your Nikon d7500.
Comparison Table

Last update on 2022-05-29 / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API
As our regular readers will probably have been able to guess, our number one recommended gimbal for the Nikon d7500 is the DJI Ronin S that we really do feel is an excellent bit of kit for any DSLR camera rig. It has a great load capacity that will easily hold your Nikon d7500 while also ensuring it can take the majority of accessories you will need when recording your video footage too.
If you are on a budget and looking for a cheaper gimbal for your Nikon d7500 then the Zhiyun Crane Plus can be a great choice and should easily get the job done for your camera. Just keep in mind that although the Crane Plus is an excellent little gimbal, it has been designed for use with the mirrorless camera weight class although if the camera accessories you use on your d7500 are light it will perform fine.
Finally, we have the Moza Air 2 for anyone who is planning on using a heavier DSLR setup on their d7500. With the higher maximum load capacity of our three featured gimbals, this will be able to provide image stabilization for the vast majority of setups that you will ever need. We know that the Moza Air 3 has been released but it does not have the super high load capacity of the Air 2 and we feel that the Air 3 is more of a competitor to the Ronin S so we chose the Air 2 for our article. Although it is the only featured gimbal from the previous generation of handheld gimbals, it still performs very well, especially when using in the super heavy setup niche and is much cheaper than the other high load capacity gimbals on the market right now.
The DJI Ronin S
Time to cover the DJI Ronin S is a little more detail. If you have been working in the videography space for any amount of time, there is probably a good chance that you have heard of the Ronin S as it has an outstanding reputation within the community that is only becoming more and more widespread as the months come and go. The excellent performance, great build quality, ease of use, and solid design help to make it the best gimbal for DSLR cameras on the market right now.
Due to DJI being one of the most well-known brands in the gimbal space, you can rest assured that you are not purchasing your new handheld gimbal from fly by night company too. We know that gimbals are often one of the most expensive camera accessories many people will purchase so it is nice to have the peace of mind that you are buying from an established, reputable company.
Performance And Functionality
Even then though, we are confident that the Ronin S will be able to take the weight even when it comes close to its payload limit and still provide you with its excellent image stabilization. We would imagine that the vast majority of our readers using a d7500 will be totally fine though and never even come close to maxing out the payload of the gimbal.
The Ronin S also offers you an impressive maximum battery life of around twelve hours per full charge that ensures that you should be able to capture all the footage you require between charging opportunities. We feel that most d7500 setups will easily get close to the twelve hours of battery life mark too although some heavier setups taking most of the payload of the gimbal will bring it down around the eight to ten-hour battery life mark.
When your battery does eventually run empty, the DJI quick charge technology allows you to quickly and easily charge it back to full in just over two hours. This ensures that you have minimum downtime when working and if needed you can even plug the Ronin S into the mains on breaks to keep it charge up.
If you are an established videographer with paying clients or an established vlogger with a large number of subscribers, the image quality improvements that this excellent handheld gimbal is able to provide for you is sure to keep your clients and viewers happy. When it comes to performance, DJI really have done an outstanding job with the Ronin S.
User Interface And Control System
DJI like to keep their products as easy and as user-friendly as possible so even an entry-level videographer who has never used a gimbal before can pick the Ronin S up, mount their camera, and go out and capture some excellent cinematic footage with ease. The basic approach to the control system on the Ronin S ensures that this is possible and allows people to quickly learn how to get the best out of the gimbal.
On the flip side of this, it is also ideal for anyone moving over to DJI as it is very similar to what other gimbal brands use so videographers new to using DJI gimbals after using other brands can get the most out of it too. Finally, there are the old hands who have been using gimbals for years, the control system on the Ronin S ensures that you are also able to get the most out of the gimbal while also having all the customization and advanced functionality that you may need for your sessions.
The DJI Smartphone App
Once you have used it for a few minutes, you will probably be confident enough with the app to start using its wireless remote control functionality in your live sessions with your Nikon d7500. The app also allows you to tweak a few key settings on the gimbal too without you having to go into the gimbal options and do it manually.
Build Quality And Design
Everything on the gimbal has been designed to function perfectly while also having that perfect balance so it looks as sleek as possible. Considering the performance and maximum load capacity of the Ronin S, it is actually a surprisingly light gimbal too. In addition to this, due to how light the gimbal it, it is also surprisingly robust proving that DJI is leading the way when it comes to modern gimbal stabilizers.
Our Verdict
The DJI Ronin S is an excellent gimbal that will help you improve the image quality you can capture using your Nikon d7500. It really is hard to find fault with the gimbal as it just ticks so many boxes and you can definatley see why the community thinks so highly of it.
As you saw in the test footage shared earlier in the article that was recorded using a Ronin S, the image stabilization that it provides is outstanding. The load capacity of the gimbal also ensures that you will struggle to dream up a d7500 setup that it will struggle with too while also future-proofing your gimbal for any future heavier DSLR purchases you may make.
The Zhiyun Crane Plus
Next up we are going to be going over what we would class as the best budget-friendly gimbal for your Nikon d7500, the Zhiyun Crane Plus. Now, like we mentioned earlier in the article, the Crane Plus has been designed to be the premium mirrorless camera gimbal on the market and has the load capacity to match. That said, the d7500 is not the heaviest of DSLRs out there so provided your camera accessories are not too heavy, we have every confidence that this can provide your d7500 with the image stabilization that you require.
At the time of writing, the Crane Plus is one of the newest gimbals on the market so it has all of the latest technology from Zhiyun ensuring it has excellent performance. The hype around the launch of the gimbal also paid off and it quickly earned its excellent reputation amongst the videography community and it only seems to be increasing its reputation and customer base as time goes on and more people give the Crane Plus a try.
Performance And Functionality
Depending on what you are planning to actually do with your camera, this could be plenty for some lightweight setups meaning the Crane Plus is able to serve as a more budget-friendly gimbal for your camera that does not break the bank but still provides some excellent image stabilization.
The gimbal also offers the longest potential battery life of our featured gimbals too offering a maximum battery life of around 18 hours. Now, with a DSLR setup, you will probably be getting around the 15 hours of battery life mark out of the gimbal but this is still some excellent going! Additionally, you can also quickly recharge the Crane plus from empty to full in as little as three hours too.
User Interface And Control System
Thankfully though, Zhiyun has ensured that it still provides you with all of the great functionality that you would expect from a Zhiyun gimbal. This ensures that if you are a more experienced videographer then you can easily get all of the advanced things that you need from the gimbal with minimal effort.
The Zhiyun Smartphone App
Build Quality And Design
Although the Crane Plus is a solid little gimbal, we would say that the Ronin S is more robust than in but for the massive hike in the price tag you would expect this. If you are planning to travel with your setup, especially via air while you store your gimbal in the hold then we would highly recommend you pick up a solid case to offer that additional protection.
Our Verdict
Considering the Crane Plus was not designed for DSLR cameras like the Nikon d7500 to be its primary workload, we feel it does a great job and can easily provide the image stabilization that lighter d7500 rigs require to offer you smooth and stable video footage. Although we would recommend that you try to save for the DJI Ronin S if possible, the Crane Plus can make a nice cheap gimbal option for the Nikon d7500.
We know that we brushed over the gimbal in this article as we are featuring three stand-alone gimbals. If you would like to know more, we have a dedicated review of the Zhiyun Crane Plus online that goes into much more detail on the gimbal.
The Moza Air 2
The final gimbal that we are going to be covering in our article is the Moza Air 2 and as we would only recommend this gimbal for your Nikon d7500 if you know you are going to be using some super heavy camera rigs, we will just be quickly going over it in this article as the majority of our readers will be much better off with the DJI Ronin S over the Moza Air 2.
Another thing that we would like to point out is that we are fully aware that the Moza Air 3 is on the market now but it does not have a maximum load capacity anywhere near what the Air 2 had. Due to this, we still consider the Air 2 to be our go to gimbal of choice for the heavy lifting.
Another quick side note is that the Zhiyun Crane 3 has just come out and it is a better gimbal for your Nikon d7500 when it comes to heavy lifting than the Air 2. The reason that we are featuring the Air 2 over the Crane 3 is due to the Crane 3 being almost double the price of the Air 2 at the time of writing.
well deserved reputation within the community g
Performance And Functionality
Additionally, the Air 2 can also provide a maximum battery life of around 16 hours for a fully charged set of batteries. That said though, as we would only recommend this gimbal for the Nikon d7500 if you are using a heavy rig, you will probably be using as close to the 9 pounds of load capacity the gimbal offers so we would expect closes to 12 hours of battery life. When the battery is dry, you can recharge the air 2 in four hours and be back our capturing video footage as required.
User Interface And Control System
The Moza Smartphone App
Build Quality And Design
Our Verdict
In our opinion, the DJI Ronin S is definatley the best gimbal on the market for your Nikon d7500. We would only recommend the Moza Air 2 if you know for a face you will be using a camera rig that the Ronin S is unable to support.
Wrapping It Up
That brings our article on the best gimbal for Nikon d7500 cameras to a close. We hope that our readers have found it helpful as we have tried to be as clear and straight to the point on why we feel that each of the featured gimbals has been chosen. We also have a dedicated article where we go over five gimbals for DSLR cameras and put them head to head with each other that you may find helpful.